Meet the Mentors

  • Portrait of Duncan Geere

    Duncan Geere

    Duncan is an information designer interested in climate and the environment. He communicates complex, nuanced information to a wider audience for clients like Information is Beautiful, the Gates Foundation, and Project Drawdown. He’s the co-host of the Loud Numbers data sonification podcast, and he's also a generative artist and musician.

  • Portrait of Alli Torban

    Alli Torban

    Alli is an information design consultant where she helps businesses transform their technical information into clear and engaging infographics. She's worked with clients like P&G, Axios, and Data Literacy. Alli is also the host of the popular podcast Data Viz Today. In her spare time, she loves designing tessellations and reading endlessly to her two young daughters.

  • Portrait of Will Chase

    Will Chase

    Will is a developer, designer, journalist, and artist. He uses his background as a researcher to better understand the world through data and he shares those insights by designing and coding visual essays. Will has done dataviz in academia, business, freelance, and he currently works at Axios as a visual journalist. He also likes to make experimental stuff for the web and generative art.

  • Portrait of Gabrielle Merite

    Gabrielle Merite

    Gabrielle is a former scientist turned information designer, powered by plants and information. She is a science graduate, creative, analyst, advocate for humanity, and cat lady. Gabrielle previously worked as a science writer and brand designer, and now freelances full time. Her work spans graphic design, data visualization, branding, web design, and art, often with a strong focus on social justice and ethical design.